Former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson visited Charleston, South Carolina last Tuesday and spoke to the Bastiat Society. Last night, Fox news aired an interview with Sean Hannity. It is on youtube. The first segment is here. The second segment is here. (HT to David Beito at Liberty and Power.)
At the presentation Tuesday night, many of the questions were about whether Gov. Johnson might run for office in the future. Hannity "asked" him if he is running for President in 2012. David Beito's headline is "possible GOP presidential candidate."
Gary Johnson is running for President. However, no one directly involved in the " Our America: The Gary Johnson Inititative" can say anything about it because it is a 501(c). Currently, funds to support the promotion of his views can be raised independent of any campaign finance limitations. (Sadly, contributions do not appear to be tax-deductible.)
However, everyone else can say what they want. And that means you. Spread the word. Gary Johnson is running for President of the U.S in 2012. He is seeking the Republican nomination.
Personally, I am very confident he will appear in the Republican Presidential debates. This will require that he announce that he is seeking the nomination, filing for primaries, and the like. (I have no idea about the timing of these things. Further, my confidence about the debates is based upon common sense rather than private assurance. I also believe that if he is unable to obtain much support in the early primaries and caucuses, he may drop out. Again, that is based upon common sense.)
Gov. Johnson plans another trip to South Carolina--next month. He is spending a good bit of time in New Hampshire as well. I expect to see some trips to Iowa. Get the picture?
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